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Why Does Air Conditioning Make Me Cough and Sneeze?

Why Does Air Conditioning Make Me Cough and Sneeze?

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Why Does Air Conditioning Make Me Cough?

You know the feeling: You turn on the air conditioning on a hot summer day and suddenly find yourself sniffling, coughing, or sneezing. You wonder to yourself, “Could I be allergic to the AC?”

The short answer is no. However, you can be allergic to the quality of the air circulating through your air conditioning unit.

If you start to feel unwell when you turn on the air conditioning, several airborne allergens could be to blame. Air conditioning units can also spread bacteria and viruses.

Biological contamination can cause allergic reactions, including hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allergic rhinitis, and asthma.

In large buildings, toxins released by microorganisms that live in the ventilation system can affect people. Symptoms of reactions to air contamination can include: -

shortness of breath
watery eyes
digestive issues

Older people, children, and those with existing respiratory issues are more susceptible to the effects of airborne contaminants.

Beside Health issues, accumulated dirt and dusts can cause your air conditioning unit's overhaul, shorten life, water leakage, can produce cool air and many more.

To avoid above issues, why not contact us for schedule an appointment for a deep cleaning service?

15 Aug 2024